Britney will NEVER be free.
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This article is based on dots I connected. Easy to find! Do with my opinions as you will.
The first time I ever saw or heard Britney Spears was on a bonus JIVE NEW ARTIST CD that came with my Backstreet Boys debut album. I was so excited to watch the “Everybody” video on my computer. Jive was the first to enhance their CDs for fans to get online with. The internet was still a new commodity. Waiting forever for my computer to log on, I noticed the bonus CD and this song called Soda Pop by a girl named Britney Spears. They only gave snippets of the song, but I remember thinking it was awful. Then I saw the Baby one-time video. Instantly jealous, I labeled her another girl my crush would think is ‘SO HOT’, and my disdain became real. I knew being half black with boobs bigger than most 20-year-olds; Id never look like her. So I disliked her. Immediately. Envious that she could do a back walkover and she had her own music video. I watched her sing passionately. As close-ups of her face filled my TV screen in the early dark hours of the morning before school, I thought, She is GORGEOUS! I can still see her in that light pink shimmery makeup. Singing in the red convertible. But I still wasn’t convinced she was good. It wasn’t until I was waiting for the song to come on 95-tripleX on my 100-disc CD changer stereo. As I waited in anticipation to record Baby one more time (so I could dance to it on repeat with my revolving rainbow light), the thought dawned on me. Girl, you like Britney. Not only did I like her, I was infatuated with her! My animosity turned to passion and respect. I had every CD, imported CD, and every TRL interview (taped from my VCR). My nanny bought me the documentary videos and books from Barnes & Nobles. I had all the teenbeats, tigerbeats, J14's, and every other teen magazine in the early 2000s. If she was on the cover. I had it. Her perfect, teeth-smiling face and unattainable body filled the walls of my room and doors. I was captivated. I went to see her open for 98 degrees at the fair in Vermont. The infamous bubblegum pink pleather top with the white pants. That had matching pink knee pads in them. Yeah, I was there for that.
Britney Opening for 98 degrees
When Crossroads came out, I saw the movie eight times in theaters. Skipping the popcorn and soda and hardly eating for 3 months following. Trying to achieve that flat—100 situps a day—Britney tummy. I knew every word to every song. I even tried to style my hair as she did in the Oops... I did it again video one year for family Christmas photos. My teenage years were spent learning her dance routines with my best girlfriends in my room. My early 20s were spent drunkenly doing the routines I learned as “a kid” at 3am in my kitchen. My mid-20s, Popping ecstasy with girlfriends. Swinging on the swings in a euphoric spell, listening to... And then we kiss on our mini speaker. Under the hot Arizona sky. Earning a little money and being out on my own in Arizona. I was finally in a big city where artists actually toured. I went to see her LIVE for her circus tour. 1st Stop in Glendale, AZ. She killed it. I didn’t care that she was lip-syncing. The dance breaks and the visuals. The lights and her costumes. I was in a trance. Until the last hour... The man in front of my friend and I must’ve worked with manure all day. He smelled so bad that I got a headache and couldn’t enjoy the last half of the show from my floor spot. That I had waited hours for. I moved slowly, mesmerized by her beauty, and watched her sing Everytime from a random seat in the arena. As she floated around the stadium on a sparkled, jeweled umbrella, I was in complete awe of her talent and passion, which she performed with. She sang Everytime Live! And her vocals were on point. In my 30s, I played Femme Fatale on repeat as I tried getting my pre-baby body back. And prepared for a move to a new home with my new baby boy and new fiance. I danced the night away at my wedding to all her hits, including I Wanna Go and Til the World Ends. She was a staple in my life. And always will be.
Britney’s Wax Figure I posed with, in NYC 2008
To say my love for Britney runs deep is an understatement. To learn about what she has and still is going through is heartbreaking and puzzling, to say the least. I started out with the question: What happened to Britney after her conservatorship? That sent me on down a small tunnel in the Britney hole. Watching videos of tiktokers claiming Britney wasn’t REAL. That question quickly turned into, Where is the Real Britney? Seeing some of the videos that are heavily doctored. Or her spinning into oblivion at her house. Or when you can clearly tell its a green screen. That question brought me to...
Mk Ultra. And that subject quickly made me realize, She’s here, physically. She’s just gone, mentally. And maybe forever.
To understand why I think this way. We must open our minds and go down a rabbit hole called MK Ultra. MK Ultra dates back to the 1940s. But holds the same power, if not more, today. And Britney exhibits every symptom of a MK ultra patient. Studying and watching for myself interviews of patients who were the subjects of an inhumane experiment. I couldn't help but wonder, Is Britney an MK Ultra experiment that is right in front of our faces??
American historian Stephen Kinzer argues that the CIA project was a "continuation" of these earlier Nazi experiments. He cited the numerous German scientists who were hired to work for the U.S. as part of Operation Paperclip. During WW2, in the early 1940s, Nazi scientists were working in the concentration camps, experimenting on victims. The American interest in drug-related interrogation experiments began in 1943, when the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) began developing a "truth drug" that would produce "uninhibited truthfulness" on an interrogated person. In 1950, the CIA, under the direction of general Walter Smith, initiated a series of interrogation projects involving human subjects, beginning with the launch of Project Bluebird, officially renamed Project Artichoke in 1951. Later named MK Ultra. Directed and overseen by Brigadier General Paul Gaynor, the objective of Artichoke was to determine whether an individual could be made to involuntarily perform an act of attempted assassination. ( Hello?!?! Trump assassination attempts, much?!) Morphine, mescaline, and LSD were all administered to unknowing CIA agents in an attempt to produce amnesia in the subjects! Project Artichoke also aimed to employ certain viruses as potential incapacitating agents. An incapacitating agent includes tear gas and mace and is often used to control crowds. Something easy to put in the air. Similar to the mysterious gas that was pumped out at a Trump rally in Arizona. That could be classified as a potential incapacitating agent.I believe Diddy used these as well at his freakoffs. Baby oil bottles, ect. Charles Mason is also said to be an MK Ultra patient. He was given LSD by the CIA. And we all know what happened there. Tim O'neill believes Manson was an MK Ultra experiment gone wrong.
The Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal is where they conducted brainwashing techniques on patients. Donald Ewen Cameron (remember him for later), a psychiatrist that worked there, is largely known today for his central role in unethical medical experiments and development of psychological and medical torture (!!!!!) techniques for the CIA. In spite of his high professional reputation, he has been criticized for going too far! His experimentation on adults and children as well as his involvement in child sexual abuse, administering *electroconvulsive therapy* and *experimental drugs*, including poisons such as curare and hallucinogens, AKA LSD. Hed administer this to patients and prisoners WITHOUT their knowledge or informed consent. He convinced lots of smart, educated people with degrees to enter the program. His own secretary joined. Some of this work took place in the context of the Project MK Ultra program for the development of mind control and torture techniques, psychoactive poisons, and behavior modification systems. (ITS BRITNEY B!)
Decades after Ewens death, the psychic driving technique he developed continued to see extensive use in the torture of prisoners around the world!! And in my opinion, on our beloved pop princess, Britney. I was immediately sucked into the what-ifs, maybes, and possibles of what really happened to our girl.
Electroshock therapy, aka electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), is still used today to treat severe mental illnesses. They say it’s safe, but I disagree. I think they’re safer methods to try, but I’m not a doctor, am I?! Well, I have watched a lot of Greys. Maybe I’m a resident at minimum?
ECT is usually performed in a psychiatric hospital or general hospital psychiatric unit. The procedure itself takes about 5 to 10 minutes, but the total time also includes preparation and recovery. ECT was developed in the 1930s and was widely used in the 1950s and 1960s. However, in the Allan Institute, they were administering ECT at an unsafe voltage multiple times a day. For multiple weeks. Essentially FRYING the mind and brain. Patient outcome results were in a'vegetative’ state. The research and reports show.
In 2008, when Britney shaved her head. Emily Hues (Hughes?) was an eyewitness inside the tattoo shop where Britney was getting inked. She asked Britney why she shaved her head. Briney said, and I quote, "Um, she basically just said she was sick of having things plugged into it. She didn’t want anyone to touch her. Ummmm, tired of people touching her. That sort of thing. It seemed like she was kind of sick of it all. Whatever IT ALL is…” Emily then moves on to talk about Britney’s mood. “She seemed very distraught and disturbed... umm... she was very scattered-brained. And wasn’t answering many questions.” When I watched that video, it seemed like she had been a victim of ECT and high amounts of drugs. (There are doctors that deal high end drugs to the stars and/or handlers. Or their personal doctors. Matthew Perry case in point.) Most people who undergo ECT have temporary memory loss and confusion. Most people's confusion clears up quickly, and memory loss usually goes away entirely within a few months. But what happens if it's given to you every day multiple times a day? Will it erase your mind forever?
We also have to keep that in mind. Since early 2004, Britney’s father Jamie and Lou have been working together behind the scenes. Britney had had 2 babies by 2006. Britney was around her handlers and father A LOT back then.
Britney and Lou and her security. Look how little the boys are! Lou is holding one of the boys. She’s in the red.
Even Kevin was MIA. Trying to turn his music career into something it would never be. Britney stayed home with the babies trying to achieve that happily ever after she always dreamed for. Per her book. He was focused on music, women, and weed. Her favorite aunt, her second mother (she called her) had also died. Britneys severe postpartum would eventually get the best of her and she broke. The paparazzi were after her like sharks after a bleeding surfer in the middle of the pacific. She couldn’t do anything without fault. Or being seen as an unfit parent. Personally, I’ve come to the conclusion, that all Britney ever wanted was to be loved. Not just to be loved by anyone but by a man.
Her Mother Lynne, filled a temporary restraining order on Jamie when Britney was young. Jamie, an alcoholic, was never around much. Until he met up with Lou and decided to not only steal everything his daughter ever worked for. But to erase her and ultimately become her. I believe Lou and Jamie told Kevin to tell the Tabloids she was an unfit mother and that was their IN. All Britney ever wanted was her babies. In fact she passed a drug test the first time she went into rehab. She states in chapter 26-27 in her book, The Woman in me, the only reason she DID IT was for the courts to give her the kids back. Her parents were already “disgraced” by her. She shaved her head because Kevin took the kids away. She shaved her head because she was going thru postpartum. She shaved her head because of all the medication she was on. (Most likely lithium.) I think she also did it because they were giving her ECT and she probably wanted to see the marks on her head as a reminder. In case she forgot to remember why they were there in the first place. She says in the book she shaved her head because she was sick of looking pretty. Although Emily’s statement outside the tattoo shop seems to contradict Britneys words from her book. Simple mistake? Or symptoms of Mind control?
After the shaved head incident, she beat the papa's car door with an umbrella. They fail to mention the constant hounding they were doing to a new mother of two who wasn’t allowed to see her babies. We forget that back then paps were out of control. They felt entitled to know WHY. Another straw that broke Britney's spirit. And another opportunity for Lou and Jamie to get their hands on Britney’s fortune.
Britney was also seen partying with Diddy, Cassie, Paris, and others the night before her Gimme More performance at the VMAS. Britney's youngest was two at the time, and she said she was still getting back into shape. She says in her book that she “didn’t even want to perform!" but her team pushed her. She said she “felt dizzy and off because she hadn’t slept the night before.” She never mentions the diddy party, though. Probably had an NDA. But knowing what we know. And that video of Selena Gomez the day after she attended a Diddy party. Diddy most likely spiked her drink. Diddy is also closely associated with Lou Taylor. Both of Diddy’s houses that were raided by the FEDS are owned by LLCs that are controlled by Tri Star Sports and Entertainment.
Sarah Silverman also roasted her that night of the VMAs. She called her sons "Two beautiful mistakes.” Britney was not in the audience but later heard about it. And sobbed uncontrollably backstage
So let me get this straight?! Her parents have been using her as a cash cow since they discovered she could sing a d dance. Justin broke her heart. She had a secret abortion. It was all her fault, though. According to media. She’s married to Kevin, who used her and lied about his kids and girlfriend when they began dating. (traumatizing his other family as well. Look up Shar Jackson.) She’s allegedly drugged the night before the VMAs by Diddy. In a plot with Lou Taylor and Jamie to steal her fortune. The VMA performance was forced and terrible. Shed shaved her head. I couldn’t see her kids. Allegedly was getting things plugged into her head. Goes to rehab. Refuses to give the kids back.
Remember that? When they strapped her to a gourney because she wouldn’t give her kids back. She alleges in her book that she begged her friend for two more minutes to hold them (the boys) because she truly believed she’d never see them again. Seconds later, Swatt was there, kicking the door down. She knew this was it. Her former bodyguard. Now Kevins even testified against her. Saying she used drugs when she didn’t. There was no cross examination. The CPS worker had nothing but good things to say about Britney and her mothering, but that didn’t matter. Nor did we hear about that in the media.
My point is through these series of events. This led her into her converstorship. Meaning they held all the power over her before we even noticed it. The power to control her life. Finances. Body. Career. And more importantly, her mind.
In her book, Britney writes, “My dad sat me down and told me, ‘IM Britney Spears now.’ As I looked at him with a growing sense of horror.” I believe they’ve been trying to make her look incapable for a long time. Everyone around her. Including her own family.
Fast forward to Britney being "free." What has she really done? 2 singles. A failed marriage. That everyone on TikTok seems to think was fake and photoshopped to begin with. I must admit some photos are very off. But applying some of the same filters to my own photos, I noticed I looked very weird as well.
“I think her phone call to the courts were pre-recorded.” Britneys lighting director told me. “I think theyre using a body double.” That got me remembering. The court date was all done by phone. No one ever SAW her.
Studying Britney's wedding photos, something did seem off. Some hands were very blurry, while others weren’t. Ok, maybe it's just motion. But then why are others who are clapping; you can see their hands just fine? Some hands disappear.
“Britney” and Sam on their wedding day. This picture is all sorts of off to me. Notice the hands. EVERYONES. And Britney’s entire body. Doesn’t look like her face. Kathy and Paris look photoshopped in. Look at Sam and Britney holding hands. Zoom and and tell me that looks normal!
Also, being held prisoner for 13 years in that home, you’d think she picked a different location for her wedding. Or dare I say, MOVE OUT! She did it when she lost her dream home back when she was with Kevin. And why weren’t her kids there? Why does she keep doing things that bother her two sons? Like post naked pictures when they ask her not too. Why did Kevin move them to Hawaii? Why doesn't she move to be near them if she’s REALLY FREE? The mother I saw, even through that dark lense, I knew she loved her babies. In fact, she went to rehab for them. What changed?
Also why does she look so different? What's up with her teeth?
We rarely see Britney out now that she's “free.”. Why wouldn’t you be shouting from the rooftops that you're free? Why stay in the same home making the same IG videos? She twirls. Gives us cryptic clues and often gets facts wrong.
I'll tell you why. Britney is being mind-controlled through an experiment we thought has long since died. But in reality, it has advanced beyond our very sleeping eyes. Kinda like weather modification.
I never understood why people don’t think experiments they did back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and from who knows when, honestly, aren’t still progressing and happening today. Why would they not? Especially with the technology we now possess.
In 1985 at Stanford University, Dr. Weinstein chronicles how he spent eight years fighting to help obtain justice for his father, who, along with eight other Canadians, was suing the CIA for negligence in its sponsorship of Dr. Ewen Cameron's mind control experiments. Dr. Ewens program included lengthy periods of multiple electroshocks, hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, prolonged sensory deprivation, forced sleep, induced insulin comas, and psychic driving—an attempt to alter behavior by forcing patients to listen to taped messages over and over again. In his book, Dr. Weinstein describes his feelings of horror and helplessness while watching his father's health and personality be destroyed as he underwent Cameron's experimental protocol. "Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control" is Harvey Weinstein's personal account of the events at the Allan Memorial Institute. A chronicle of a medical scandal of horrific proportions, this book is also a story of government misconduct, deceit, and cover-ups.
Another woman states that she tried so strongly not to let the words capture her thoughts, but they would lower her resistance so much with the other drugs that she couldn’t help but listen. Many people were so desperate not to feel whatever it was that they were feeling when they entered treatment that they didn’t even ask questions when they felt this new treatment was harming them. Eventually the harmful treatment did get to some people. Some said they’d rather die than continue with the Dr. Ewens program.
After the “treatments” with Dr. Ewens, Dr. Harvey describes his father as someone who was unrecognizable to him or his family and friends. He was someone who could function in the world. He had no perspective beyond the next few minutes. No recollection of the past. And almost no recognition of the present.
With all of that being said, and watched. My mind couldn’t help but go to my sweet girl, Britney.
Britney was seen out of her house a few times. Recently in May. Another time in August. In May, she was seen out at the Chateau Marmont. A hotel where many celebrity secrets resides. She got into a massive fight with then boyfriend Paul Soliz. To me, her new handler. She likes her “normal” people. She’s programmed that way. She thinks they’re normal. She thinks she can find some kind of comfort. But they are sent there. And she's programmed to think they're going to be good to her. Notice how she likes these nobodies? Sam Lufti, this new Paul guy. Nobodies.
Britney and Paul’s fight was so explosive at the chateau. The police and ambulance arrived. Britney refused to let them take her. My take? She was getting treatments; something triggered her, and she LOST IT. She realized if she kept up the behavior, it would be another easy IN to throw her into a conservatorship. Treatments were going down there at the chateau. I feel it. Something triggered her, and she tried to escape. She came out in her underwear. With a pillow and a sheet. Why? On one of your first outings outside your home. Your going to lose your sh*t?! Make everyone think, “There’s Crazy Britney again." WHY?!
Britney Spears claims ‘fake’ news after Chateau Marmont boyfriend fight, says she ‘twisted’ her ankle, paramedics came ‘illegally’
I also believe they use deepfakes on her Instagram. Her IG is controlled by a company called Crowd Surf. And we’ve all seen the videos of her twirling. Try to spin that many times. I dare you. You cant. Her videos are strange to the eye. But is she programmed to look CRAY? So we always wonder, “What's wrong with her?”
This is another rabbit hole to fall into to know why I think the way I do. Deep fakes. They are used in Hollywood ALOT. TikTok or YouTube them. They’re so good! Especially in Instagram videos. There’s something in her eyes and the background that seems off. The lines on the tiles do not match up. Flowers disappear, then reappear. Tattoos disappear and reappear. Green screen can even be seen in the reflection of her glasses on some videos. Her videos are still heavily monitored. You can see her looking off to the side a lot. And some are even reshot. The original audio is all off. There’s a video where it doesn’t even sound like her. You can see the palm trees in the back are fake and smack in the middle of the ocean. You can also see her getting a tattoo standing up. weird. And the buzzing continues when shes not getting tattooed. With all the truthers, you’d think her team would stop. But they need to put something out there to make us think she's OK.
Britney Dancing with knives. Inspired By Shakira.
And then there was that weird outing when she got smacked by the spurs security guard. In her tiktok video, she addresses the incident. She doesn't exactly have the facts correct. She claims after she was smacked, she fell down on the ground and her friend scooped her up. But in the video from tmz, you can clearly see she never falls on the ground, and her friend never picks her up. What's up with that?!
Brtiney seen out with Paul and his kids at skyzone. After the Chateau fight. Britney posted she was single AF.
Many in Britney’s camp tried silencing the Free Britney movement. Accounts were suspended. Videos removed. Post deleted. There was even a lawyer who quit her job because she refused to take down videos of Lou Taylor's shady involvement in Britney’s finances. She even connected the Kardashian Empire to Britney and Lou Taylor. Lou then threatened BJ to remove the videos. BJ wouldn't, and it resulted in her losing her job at her law firm. Lou was trying to silence the Free Britney movement. Jamie Spears called us crazy conspiracy theorists! Britney was heard on call but was NEVER seen at her court appearance to terminate the conservatorship. Everything was done by phone. Which leads me to believe they used “physic driving”to get her to say the things they wanted her to too. Even if that meant getting her out of the conservatorship. Free Britney was making too much noise!
Britney's behavior seems as if she’s been depressed, undergone a series of ECTs, and physic driving. Not to mention drugged out with lithium. More commonly used now than LSD. So much that she’s been stripped of her sense of reality from all the ECT and mind-altering drugs. Britney doesn’t even know who she is anymore. Instead of fighting for her kids, like any free mother would do. She’s taking out some random handlers kids to a trampoline park. Her 2nd outing... jumping around like a child without a care in the world. Normal?? Or is what she’s doing sounding a lot like the result of a mind control experiment? Like Harvey’s father underwent...
Remember Following the sessions with Dr. Ewens, Dr. Harvey portrays his father as a figure completely transformed, almost alien to both him and their family and friends. He had become a person who could hardly navigate daily life, yet his vision was limited to mere moments ahead, devoid of any broader understanding or awareness.
If that isn’t describing Britney, I don’t know what is.
Brtiney was seen out with Paul and his kids at SkyZone. After the Chateau fight. Britney posted she was single AF a month before
In 2005, Britney put out a song called Mona Lisa. (Keep in mind that Lou and her father were working behind the scenes together. These lyrics stuck out to me.)
She was taken under, drowning in her seat. Running like an angel, she was crying but could not see (oh no!). Now see everyone’s watching as she starts to fall. They want her to breakdown. And be a legend of a fall. She's the original. She's unforgettable. She wanted you to know. She's been cloned. It's kind of incredible. She's so unpredictable. She wanted you to know. She's been cloned; she's been cloned.
What was she trying to tell us?
From my own experience with family members on lithium. She’s gone. And never to return to the Britney we used to know. Unfortunately
Enjoying your content all the way from Australia. The wedding felt so odd. Her ex Jason Alexander crashing the wedding. Paris Hilton has also given me mk ultra vibes. Her husband is another handler. The relationship with her son and daughter is unbelievably detached. Nicky Hilton marrying a Rothschild too. Crazy.
High doses of lithium for long periods of time with also alter the way someone looks. Unfortunately, i don’t think Britt is free 💔. I think it was all a ploy to get the free Brittney movement off their backs. So many of her videos and photos I feel are fake. Then, seeing what BJ is going through with the lawsuits she has with Lima, limas ties to certain individuals… pretty mind blowing. 🤯